Sunday, November 23, 2008

Book Review: Pursuit of Light: An Extraordinary Journey

Description of the book from book jacket:

Pursuit of Light: An Extraordinary Journey is an astounding, horrifying, uplifting memoir that chronicles Sandy Brewer s inspirational journey from a childhood of rejection and abuse to a maturity characterized by wholeness, deep love, and acceptance. Through her gripping narration, one quickly discovers the enormous gulf between what happened to her and what she has chosen to make of her life. She finds within herself a unique ability to assist others to their own triumph and healing regardless of circumstances.

Sandy, a teacher, counselor, and lecturer with over thirty years experience, tells her story in compelling detail, interweaving it with insight, compassion, and humor. She demonstrates how a change in perspective or point of view is a powerful tool to help one heal the past and to feel the happiness of renewal and the joy of living in the moment. She finds that in her pursuit of Light, the Light she pursues has also been seeking her.

I am at a loss of words for this book. From the beginning, I had a hard time getting through this book. Nothing seemed to grab me and pull me in to the authors story. I would read a little, but then not pick up the book again for a week. I feel a bit in the minority having read a number of reviews for this book that just loved it. This is why I tell people reviews are a good beginning basis for a book, but it still is going to come down to whether YOU want to read it and if the subject grabs you. Even in my case...I didn't know I wouldn't enjoy it until I started reading it. Sometimes we choose right and sometimes wrong ( I have a few of books on my shelf like that).

I thank Lisa Roe from Online Publishing for this book ....

(not going to rate it..skimmed over much of the book, so feel it's unfair to rate it)

If anyone would like to read it..I would love to send it out to anyone who leaves me the first comment .

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