Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope everyone is safe and warm !!!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Perfect On Paper Winner!!!!

We have a winner for the book giveaway for: Perfect on Paper

Using the Random Sequence generator....

The winner is.......Kathy ...Bermudaonion!!!! ( see your not jinxed!!!)

Congrats!!! I will send you an email to get your snailmail!!!!

Thank you to everyone for entering the contest. If you didn't win, I would still urge you to go out and get this book!! I highly recommend it!!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Thingers!

Today's Question:
The LT Home Page feature. How are you liking it? Or not? Do you go here when you log into LT or do you use your profile page more?

I like the new home page, but other then see it when I sign in I don't use it alot. It has some good information that I probably should look at more, but not enough time in the day!! I use it mainly to check the threads I read, which are many!!! My profile page probably gets looked at more because of the comments being there.


Book Giveaway: Perfect on Paper

To get the word out about this awesome book..I am having a BOOK GIVEAWAY!!!!

The winner of the giveaway will get a signed copy of this book!!

For everyone entering, if you happen not to be a winner, believe me you will want to go out and buy this book!! Let's help an author that has self-published her first book and get her going to being published one day soon!!! If you read the book and like it...tell your friends and family!! Make sure to review it on your own blog or or somewhere...Let's get the word out!!
Read my REVIEW of this amazing book HERE !!!


1. For one entry, just leave a comment. For fun...tell us about any date or blind date that you have gone on!!!
PLEASE remember to leave your email address or blog so I have some way of getting a hold of you!!!!

2. For an extra entry, just make a post on you blog about my contest that has a link back here and put the link in comments so I can verify it. If you don't have a blog, email 5 friends about the contest and cc my email address so I can see who you sent it too. (allisonsattic at gmail dot com)

3. This contest runs from Dec. 16th - Dec. 21st 1159pm. The winner will be emailed and announced by the evening of Dec. 22nd. The contest is open to anyone in the U.S. or Canada.

Good Luck to everyone!!

Book Review: Perfect on Paper: The (Mis) Adventures of Waverly Bryson

Perfect on Paper:
The (Mis)Adventures of Waverly Bryson

A humorous tale of affection, rejection
and the search for perfection

By Maria Murnane

Book synopsis:

Anything can look perfect…on paper

When her fiancé calls off their wedding at the last minute, Waverly Bryson wonders if her life will ever turn out the way she thought it would…or should. Her high-powered job in sports PR? Not

so perfect. Her relationship with her dad? Far from it. Her perfect marriage? Enough said.

Perfect on Paper is a humorous tale of Waverly’s efforts to cobble the pieces of a broken yesterday into a brand new tomorrow. What does the future have in store for her? Will she finally find what she’s looking for?

Her dates? Cringe-inducing at times, definitely entertaining

Her friends? Often amused, definitely supportive

Her new crush? Possibly intrigued, definitely a catch

The results? Hardly perfect, definitely just right


Perfect on Paper is a story that reflects how a single woman can live a klumzy, chaotic and rollercoaster life, but still come out on top. Waverly Bryson is the funny, smart, girl next door that everyone wants to be around, but she doesn't realize it herself. She wades through her life trying to live the way she thinks it 'should' be and not the way 'she' wants it to be. This book has total chick lit all over it, but I loved it!! Maria Murnane's first book had me laughing out loud so much, my dog kept looking at me like something must be wrong! One 'story' Waverly's friend Andie tells around beer and pizza, just had me laughing all evening!! The "Honey" greeting card idea , that was used at the beginning of each chapter and throughout the book, was a creative idea that made you go 'oh yeah' each time you read one. Here are just 2 examples:

They say laughter is the best medicine?
Honey, toss it in with girlfriends and beer, and you've found the fountain of youth. (inside)

Ever wonder why the new girl at work seems to hate you so much? (front)
Honey, think back to the angst of the high-school lunchroom. Then offer her a seat at your table. (inside)

From Waverly to her girlfriends, co-workers and men she dated, all of these characters are colorfully written in making a well rounded story. If you want to smile until your face hurts or laugh until you cry, then this is the book to get. So go buy a copy, get some hot chocolate and curl up in your favorite chair and enjoy the life of Waverly won't be disappointed.

Rating 5/5

Thanks to Tracee at Pump Up Your Book Promotions for sending me this book and letting me be on the books blog tour!!!


Author information:

Maria Murnane


Maria is currently an independent business writer and works mostly with technology and financial services companies, but like the main character in her book, she did spend a few years in sports PR. One day she quit her job and ended up in Argentina for a year, where she played semi-pro soccer and also wrote the first draft of what would eventually become Perfect on Paper. She has dedicated the book to any woman who has ever been on a really bad date or realized halfway through the workday that her skirt is on backwards.

This is Maria's first book and she self-published it. We want to get the word out to how wonderful this book is so she can get it published. So...go get the book and read it! Tell your friends and family!! Get the word out!!

Note from Maria:

Hi everyone! I just found out that my book is up for a “best of 2008″ award on a blog that is putting out a call for book bloggers and book lovers to vote. So if you could take 10 seconds to
vote for “Perfect on Paper,” I would really appreciate it!

Here’s the link- it’s under the “Women’s Literature” category:



See my next Blog HERE....Enter a giveaway for a signed copy of "Perfect On Paper"

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Other Bloggers Giveaways!!

Bookshipper is having a great end of the year giveaway on her blog!! One book from or sites up to $20!! GO HERE to enter now. Winner will be drawn at midnite Dec. 31, 2008!!!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday Thingers!!

From Marie at The Boston Bibliophile

Most of us book bloggers like to write book reviews- if we don't love to write book reviews- but here's today's question. When it comes to LT (and your blog), do you review every book you read? Do you just review Early Reviewers or ARCs? Do you review only if you like a book, or only if you feel like you have to? How soon after reading do you post your review? Do you post them other places- other social networking sites, Amazon, etc.?

I try to review every book I read, whether ARC, ER or my own books. My problem is I get behind on the reviews!! I try to get it up within a week of reading the book, but that doesn't always happen!! If it's a book I didn't really like, I will still review it, but with a shorter review. Other then here, I post my reviews at LT,, and I have just started to put reviews on a Goodreads account I started. I need to figure out how to get the link going in Facebook. I do use some of their applications for books too.

I just wish I had MORE available time to read...I am going to need more book shelves!!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Flirting with Forty - Book Review and Lifetime Movie!

Thanks to Miriam at Hachette Book Group I was lucky enough to get Flirting With Forty to read for the Early Bird Blog tour over at Book Blog.

Jane Porter has written an amazing book about a woman caught in the middle of her life, 40, not knowing what direction her life is taking her. Jackie is a mother, ex-wife and alone, until her girlfriend gives her a trip to Hawaii for them to take for her 40th birthday. After her girlfriend has something come up and she can't make it, Jackie is once again alone with her thoughts about what is missing in her life. Not knowing what to do with herself, she finds Kai. He is handsome, tanned, younger, and a surfboard instructor. A passionate fling begins. Both think it will last only until the end of Jackie's trip, but it becomes much more than that. The distance in their separation is the pacific ocean, but this only intensifies their love. Will the differences of age and lives pull them apart? With all her friends against her, Jackie must make a decision...that may change her life forever!

I absolutely love this book. If I can start a book, not want to put it down and then think about the characters even when not reading...I know it is a GREAT book. Jane Porter has created great characters in her book that come to life from beginning to end. This story is much more than age difference, social status or older woman with a younger man. It expressed to me that two people who enjoy being with each other should work hard to make things work, no matter what conflicts they might face. The wit and wisdom Jackie showed in not giving in to 'just being' in a life that gave her no fulfillment, clicked on a lightbulb in my head (yes, I can relate being 44). Jackie's ability to step out of her comfort zone by taking surfboard lessons, opened new doors for her life to follow. We all need a little fun and relaxation in our lives, so make sure to have a marguerita by the pool sometime. You never know who might be walking by.....

Rating: 5/5 stars

Make sure to stop by these other blogs in the tour and read their reviews too!!! You might find a few new receipes too!!!


Make sure to watch "Flirting w/Forty" on the Lifetime channel on Saturday Dec. 6th 9pmET/8pmCT

** Don't miss!! **
Jane Porter on Grand Central Publishing Blog Talk Radio Station on 12/5 at 1PM ET
Go HERE to hear it!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Magician's Book: Live Interview with Laura Miller

The Magician's Book by Laura Miller was released today!!
Wednesday Dec. 3, 2008 !!!!

I should have my book review up in a couple of day, but why don't you attend the LIVE Blog Talk Radio Interview Thursday December 4th at 1200pm ET. Just click HERE and it will link you to the Hatchette Book Group site that it is at! If you miss the interview, just go to the same site and you can hear the audio from the show!!

If you are really in to the world of Narnia, you can enter a photo contest of your view of Narnia. Enter the contest HERE !


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday Thingers!

What's the most popular book in your library?
Have you read it? What did you think? How many users have it?

The most popular one of mine is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at 37,389 with 364 reviews done on it!! Of course, the next four are other H.P. books too!!! I do like this series though I still haven't read the last one yet and amazingly I have not heard or read ANYTHING that tells me what happens in this last book!! So shhhhh!! Some of the books in the series are better than others, but overall I've enjoyed the series. It isn't quite a classic book, but it will be around for a while I think!!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Book Review: The Wild Sight

"The Wild Sight: an irish tale of deadly deeds and forbidden love"
by Loucinda McGary

This story was an amazing journey and adventure to Ireland written by first time author Loucinda McGary that I won't soon forget. Romance, mystery and paranormal genres are used together to create a book of magic and intrigue from beginning to end.

An Irish lad trying to forget his 'gift' and an American girl trying to find her father are brought together in a small town in Ireland. As Rylie trys to locate her father, Donovan must use his clairvoyant ability, called "The Sight", to stir up old family secrets that may have been better off being left buried. The twists and turns of the mystery of their family legacy grows as people start turning up dead. The chemistry between Rylie and Donovan is intense it is hard for them to ignore, but would they have to fight these desires if they find they are related? A climatic ending finds Rylie her answers, but Donovan finds things he wasn't expecting to find.

I truly loved this book!! I wasn't sure what to expect with it being a first time author, but the book swept me away to Ireland and had me at the end of the book WAY too soon! It has the perfect mix of genres that doesn't over do it on too much romance or mystery. The author seemed to have done her research on Irish history and lore to be come up with "The Sight" that Donovan had and how it mixed in with the landscape of the story.

I would recommend this book to my friends to can easily read it within a couple days.

I want to thank Danielle from Sourcebooks Reviews for the copy of this book to read and review! Thanks!! ;-)

Rating 5/5