To get the word out about this awesome book..I am having a BOOK GIVEAWAY!!!!
The winner of the giveaway will get a signed copy of this book!!
For everyone entering, if you happen not to be a winner, believe me you will want to go out and buy this book!! Let's help an author that has self-published her first book and get her going to being published one day soon!!! If you read the book and like it...tell your friends and family!! Make sure to review it on your own blog or Amazon.com or somewhere...Let's get the word out!!
Read my REVIEW of this amazing book HERE !!!
1. For one entry, just leave a comment. For fun...tell us about any date or blind date that you have gone on!!!
PLEASE remember to leave your email address or blog so I have some way of getting a hold of you!!!!
2. For an extra entry, just make a post on you blog about my contest that has a link back here and put the link in comments so I can verify it. If you don't have a blog, email 5 friends about the contest and cc my email address so I can see who you sent it too. (allisonsattic at gmail dot com)
3. This contest runs from Dec. 16th - Dec. 21st 1159pm. The winner will be emailed and announced by the evening of Dec. 22nd. The contest is open to anyone in the U.S. or Canada.
Good Luck to everyone!!
Please enter me! milou2ster(at)gmail.com I'll stumble the contest.
Please enter me in this giveaway. Perfect on Paper is on my Wish list, so I'd love to win this.
As for a date, or blind one that I haven't gone on. That would be a hard one to answer since I don't go on dates. :p
I've also left a link of your giveaway at my blog, it's off to the side under Giveaway List.
~ Popin
Sorry, I forgot my email. It's proudbookworm[@]gmail[dot]com
Sorry about that
~ Popin
I'd love to be entered in your contest! This book is on my wish list too!
I'll make a mention on my blog at http://www.beckyworkman.blogspot.com/.
As for a blind date, a friend set me up to play co-ed volleyball with a guy. After the game, we went for a drink, then to a lake. The lake had dried up, so we drove across to the other side (across the bottom of the lake in the pickup) and after looking at the stars, got stuck coming back across. We had to gather rocks from the bottom of the lake and prop them under the tires to get unstuck so that we could get out! I married that man!
This sounds like a very fun book! Please enter me into the drawing.
I haven't gone on a date in YEARS since I met my now husband. He was pretty much a blind date though since we'd only talked online before going out. Hit it off right away though!
angela.donner (at) gmail.com
The last date I went on was Saturday with my husband of 30 years ~ we went to dinner and drove around and looked at Christmas lights and decorations.
This book does sound awesome ~ please enter me.
Allison, I recently received my copy of Edith and the Mysterious Stranger that I won here. Thanks again! I haven't had a chance to read it yet but I can't wait to get started.
I'm sooo glad you're having a contest for Perfect on Paper! I got a copy from the author and I'm reading it now. I'm loving it but not having as much time as I want to just sit down and read, read, read! December is a month of chaos. Sign up for this one people. It's a great book and Maria is self published so we need to get the word out. If we're really lucky she'll get a publisher and she can get a sequel out ASAP!
When you get the chance, tell everyone to come here and enter at Allison's Attic and then skip on over to another contest for the same book at:
I'll be spreading the word about both contests and then I might just have one of my own. Good luck!
I forgot to mention that I'm adding a link to this contest on my blog. Happy holidays!
No need to enter my name in the contest. Just wanted to urge everyone to get this book. You will love it. It is too funny and I think any woman can relate to it. Maria is so nice, we'll all trying to get the word out.
I'd love to be entered! I've had a bevy of crazy dates in my life, but they would probably be way too lengthy to list! :)
Thanks for the chance!
writing.meg [[at]] gmail.com
I'd love to be entered for this one! I have never gone on a blind date. Can't say I miss the dating scene though!
Please enter me.
My worst blind date was to a baseball game with someone who did not really enjoy baseball and didnt talk much. And the game went into extra innings.
Oops, sorry forgot to leave my email address.
Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. It is so special and unique. I haven't gone on a blind date in over 35 years but the one that worked out well was my husband. We drove around and then went for pizza.
Well I haven't had luck EVER with a blind-date, the worse was a guy who was beyond boring, didnt like talking except to answer my questions in which he would only give a one word answer, it felt like the longest date ever! Anyways I'd love to be entered for the book thanks!
Please enter me in this contest. Thanks and Happy Holidays.
Hi there. Please enter me.
tonigomez(at)surewest(dot) net
I don't need to be entered, but just wanted to throw in my two cents - whoever wins is gonna love this book! Great review, and great contest idea.
great read thanks for the contest minsthinsatoptonlinedotnet
I'd love to win this book! Please enter me! lisamos64[at]gmail[dot]com
My date story: I've been with my current boyfriend for several years now, but our first date was the strangest one! We'd been just friends for 20 years but always had an attraction to each other. Then we both wound up single again and went out on a real date! Throughout the whole evening we'd look at each other and laugh! It was wierd to be on a real date with him after all those years! And we're still together today!
Great stories everyone!!!
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