Last day of Book Blogger Appreciation Week!!!
In honor of the last day of this wonderful event, I am going to have another Giveaway!!
This time....for the first time...it's a
$10.00 Gift Card Giveaway!!
+1 entry - Leave a comment telling me what you enjoyed most about your experience with BBAW this week
+2 entries - If you already follow me or click to follow me now!
+3 entries - If you tweet this contest and include me so I can see you tweeted it. (I'm under allisonsattic on Twitter)
+5 entries - If you put up a blog entry about this contest to refer them here. Please include link in comments so I can find it.
Contest Rules:
1. Please leave me your email address so I have some way of contacting you, if you win.
2. Entrants will have to be able to use U.S. based Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com to exchange gift card. You may choose either Amazon or BN gift card.
3. You have until Friday Sept. 25th at 10:00pm CT. to enter.
4. Winner will be announced that weekend some time.
Good luck to you all!!!......and....Happy Reading!!!
In honor of the last day of this wonderful event, I am going to have another Giveaway!!
This time....for the first time...it's a
$10.00 Gift Card Giveaway!!
+1 entry - Leave a comment telling me what you enjoyed most about your experience with BBAW this week
+2 entries - If you already follow me or click to follow me now!
+3 entries - If you tweet this contest and include me so I can see you tweeted it. (I'm under allisonsattic on Twitter)
+5 entries - If you put up a blog entry about this contest to refer them here. Please include link in comments so I can find it.
Contest Rules:
1. Please leave me your email address so I have some way of contacting you, if you win.
2. Entrants will have to be able to use U.S. based Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com to exchange gift card. You may choose either Amazon or BN gift card.
3. You have until Friday Sept. 25th at 10:00pm CT. to enter.
4. Winner will be announced that weekend some time.
Good luck to you all!!!......and....Happy Reading!!!
I'd love to win!
My favorite things about BBAW have been finding new-to-me bloggers taht share my reading tastes! But I've also loved how it's made me feel my hobby of blogging is a real hobby.
I tweeted it here! I couldn't find your twitter id or I"d have included you on it!
I have absolutely loved finding all these new blogs. I feel like there are just all sorts of people like me out there! My TBR list, however, maybe wishes I found them all over the course of a month, rather than a week! It's been a lot of fun!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway, Allison! I'd love to be entered. This week I most enjoyed the blogger interview swaps, I believe as it allowed me to get to know so many book bloggers better. Thanks again!
angiegirl (at) gmail (dot) com
+2 i follow your blog
+3 i tweeted this entry (@malantha)
malantha16 AT gmail DOT com
I liked getting to know more about familiar bloggers and finding new blogs to enjoy.
thanks for the giveaway; please enter me:
dd DOT bookgoddess AT gmail DOT com
What I enjoyed most about BBAW was discovering a bunch of great new blogs! :-)
I'm going to follow right now... :-)
I'd love to be entered! My favorite part of BBAW was reading all the blogger interviews.
+2 I subscribe in Google Reader
+1 What I enjoyed most besides the giveaways was all the new blogs I discovered. I had lots of fun.
+2 I am now a follower.
I have had the most fun finding new blogs (so many!) and entering the giveaways!
I didn't realize there were so many sites out there. Great way to open my eyes to fellow readers!
i enjoyed having the chance to read so many reviews to find out more about the book that i can add to my book list!
please enter me in the contest!
I loved fidning new blogs and meeting people and having new book ideas and the giveaways are fun of course!!
I have tweeted-
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I think the best part of BBAW was just finding out all these new blogs. For me, I was a panelist and I got to discover a whole bunch of blogs that was in a genre I didn't normally read and found myself subscribing to a bunch of them.
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
I would love to enter.
I love seeing all these new book blogs, its like perusing a library reading all the different books out there
My favorite thing BBAW would definitely have to be all the new blogs one is introduced to.
hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com
+1 I love finding new blogs to visit--I especially love looking for new reviews and new things to add to my blog!
+2 I am a new follower of your blog!
Finding out more about some of my favorite bloggers has been great. Finding new blogs has just been the icing on the cake!
Hi Allison -
I am a new follower. :)
I part I love the most about BBAW is finding other bloggers like you.
+1 entry - I loved finding out about so many new cool blogs! I think I added at least 30 more blogs to my reader!
+2 entries - Now a follower!
+1 I love finding the new bloggers and also through find new blogs my wishlist exploding out of the roof lol.
+2 follow you :)
:) Erica
+1 I enjoyed discovering new blogs
+2 follower
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
This week has been fabulous, finding new blogs to follow and great books to read. Please enter me for your giveaway, my email is:
I think the exposure to so many new blogs. I knew there were so many out there but never imagined how many different kinds...loved doing the interview switch
I am a follower
I love finding out about new blogs! :) BBAW has made me add quite a few to my reader.
I'm a follower!
I'm a follower.
I enjoyed most about my experience with BBAW this week is to be able to find so many great books lover through blogs!
http://tcarolinep.blogspot.com/2009/09/giveaway-allisons-attic-of-books.html blogged!
http://tcarolinep.blogspot.com/2009/09/giveaway-allisons-attic-of-books.html blogged!
http://tcarolinep.blogspot.com/2009/09/giveaway-allisons-attic-of-books.html blogged!
http://tcarolinep.blogspot.com/2009/09/giveaway-allisons-attic-of-books.html blogged!
http://tcarolinep.blogspot.com/2009/09/giveaway-allisons-attic-of-books.html blogged!
I enjoyed seeing everyone's fave blogs on Monday, which led me to add some to my Google Reader! :)
I found so many new blogs to visit and lots of new authors and books to read! Thank you for the giveaway!
I follow your blog.
Carol M
mittens0831 at aol dot com
I love love love the blogger interviews! WordLily AT gmail DOT com
My favorite things about BBAW was finding new blogs and the giveaways . Please enter me in the giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Thank you.
BBAW is such a great way to hear about all the blogs out there. Found quite a few with great book reviews that I am now following.
already a follower here
+1: I think the best thing about BBAW is the exposure of all the blogs out there that I didn't know existed. I have been trying to catch up on the new ones and make sure that I visit them to check them out. I've added many new blogs to my Reader!!
+2: I just became a follower!
+3: I tweeted (from @faithfulgirl)
+5: I added your contest on the sidebar of my blog here
+1 I enjoyed getting to find new blogs and read comments on my own blog from new visitors.
+2 I'm following your blog now.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
+1 entry - I loved finding out new blogs and books I've never heard of before. And definitely joining in the fun giveaways :)
+2 entries - Follow on twitter @bunnyb
+3 entries - Tweeted: http://twitter.com/bunnyb/status/4176271110
+5 entries - Blogged: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2009/09/linky-love.html
bunnybx at gmail . com
+1 My favorite part was finding new and great blogs.
+2 new follower
+3 tweeted: http://twitter.com/naggy8/status/4304445750
I loved finding new blogs during BBAW!
+1 entry - Leave a comment telling me what you enjoyed most about your experience with BBAW this week
+2 entries - If you already follow me or click to follow me now!
+3 entries - If you tweet this contest and include me so I can see you tweeted it. (I'm under allisonsattic on Twitter) - http://twitter.com/ParadoxRevealed
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
i love it all. the contests, the books, i love book blogging so it's awesome!
i blogged at: http://haleymathiot.blogspot.com/2009/09/todays-giveaways_25.html
and i follow you :D
haleymathiot at yahoo dot com
Awesome, thanks! I'm following : )
adrienne2093 at comcast dot net
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