Saturday, April 24, 2010

Love Finds You in Lonesome Prairie Montana


Julia Cavanaugh has never left New York City. But in 1890, the young woman must head west to ensure that the orphans under her care are settled into good families. After her final stop in Montana, she plans to head straight back east. But upon arriving in the remote town of Lonesome Prairie, Julia learns to her horror that she is also supposed to be delivered—into the hands of an uncouth miner who carries a bill of purchase for his new “bride.” She turns to a respected circuit preacher to protect her from a forced marriage but with no return fare and few friends, Julia’s options are bleak. What is God’s plan for her in the middle of the vast Montana prairie?


This book drew me in from the moment I saw the cover. A woman alone on a prairie with just a bag to her name. Next, I read what the story was got me! I love the late 1800's and a storyline that has a strong woman character that has to fight to find her place in life. Julia is an amazing character who draws you in to the struggle women endured to overcome, being mail order brides and baby makers for those living in the 'wild west'. Goyer and Fleiss write from the heart about a woman that wants only to find herself and someone SHE chooses to be her husband. You can see the love and care that Pastor Issac and Julia have for one another, but each must follow their own path and rid themselves of past issues to be able to see clearly the love they have for one another.

The story flowed easily with many characters in the town being involved in the subplots surrounding Julia's decision to stay or go back east. Death, murder, love twists and the search for orphans to find a good home are only a few of the topics the book includes in this journey of a book.

If you are wanting a book to read that warms your heart and has you cheering for love to conquer all...this is the story for you!

Rating: 4 out of 5

More information:

Tricia Goyer
Ocieanna Fleiss

Part of:


bermudaonion said...

Sounds like a sweet book. I agree - that's a great time period to read about.

Marie Cloutier said...

awwww :-) sounds very sweet!

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Looks like another good one. Thanks for your review!

Bill ;-)

Hope you'll check out my book giveaway:

The Phantom Paragrapher said...

Have made it my goal to go through all the Love Finds You Series. Just Finished Love Finds you In Lonesome Prarie,Montana.
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