Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness!!

Five things you always have in your refrigerator:

1.) Water
2.) Diet Mt Dew
3.) Single serving applesauce
4.) Golden Apples
5.) Ketchup

Five actresses/actors that you think are over-rated:

1.) Lindsay Lohan
2.) Katie Holmes
3.) Paris Hilton
4.) Scarlett Johansson
5.) Adam Sandler

Five things around the house that you hate doing:

1.) Bathtub/shower
2.) Toilets
3.) Dishes
4.) Mow the lawn (hey, it's 'around' the house!)
5.) Clean windows

Five of your favorite movies:

1.) Silence of the Lambs
2.) Grease
3.) Dirty Dancing
4.) The Way We Were
5.) Rocky

Five businesses/stores (IE Circuit City, Kohls, Hollister, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Home Depot, etc) you would love to win a $2,000 gift card to:

1.) Barnes and Noble
2.) Lowes
3.) Best Buy
4.) Borders

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