Friday, September 18, 2009

BBAW Day 5: Setting Goals

Day 5: Setting Goals
Last Day

Write in 50 words or less…what do you like best about your blog right now and where would you like your blog to be a year from now?

I really enjoy my blog, but I know there is so much more I could be doing, after looking at so many blogs this week!!

I do like that I have not stuck with one genre. I love changing from one to the other, when I get tired of one type of book. I think people like reading all kinds of books and reading my blog reflects that.

Where would I like my blog to be a year from now?? Definitely have more reviews!! I read a lot, but I seem to get backed up on reviews. I think I am going to try and not make my reviews as long or as wordy. Short and simple I think for now and then see how that goes. I saw on someone's blog today about asking a question at the end of you blog entry to get more comments. I think that is something I will work on to to get more traffic.

I've really enjoyed BBAW week and wish it was more than once a year!!! I love connecting with all the other book bloggers and readers this week. Nice to meet old and new bloggers!!!

Keep in touch everyone...see you on Twitter or Facebook (allisonsattic)...and all the other events created for book bloggers!!


ImageNations said...

I enjoy reading and letting the world know what I read. But one thing I love most about my blog is that I review only African writers (though I read wide). Through my blog I try to contribute my quota to the development of literature on the continent. However, the blog has more to it than book review. Articles on politics and social issues, my poetry etc. I visit my blog often showing how much I love it.

In a year from now I would want my blog to be noted for its review of African writers both old and new and irrespective of the genre. I love books in general.

bermudaonion said...

I think we all get backed up on reviews from time to time. We just hate to stop reading in order to write them!